Advocating for Rights and Inclusion in Schools - Live Webinar Series
As a partner of the Education Advocacy Consortium, PSND will host a series of trainings for parents and youth covering Advocating for Rights and Inclusion in Schools.
The webinars are free of charge. Please register for the webinars that you would like to attend individually. You will receive a ZOOM link to each webinar.
Evaluation for Services and Renewal of Program/Plan
September 19th at 7:30 pm
When a student is not progressing according to expectations and may need additional services, what is the next step? This webinar will focus on the process that is implemented in ND to identify a student who is possibly needing special education and related services and the key requirements of a special education evaluation that is accurate, comprehensive, and individualized.
Register at:
Student Led IEP
October 17th at 7:30 pm
Holden is a 17 year old Junior at Magic City Campus and has been on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) since 1st grade. Student Led IEP is a term that is not well known but important for students and educators to learn about. Holden will share his personal experience leading his IEPs and some tips he has learned along the way.
Register at:
Connecting the Dots in Early Childhood from Childfind to Services
November 21st at 7:30 pm
Join us to learn more about early childhood services in North Dakota that are available to all families, from ChildFind programs such as Right Track to programs specific for children with disabilities such as Early intervention and Inclusion Support.
Register at: